His music also features prominently on some Youtube channels such as BuzzFeed and its affiliated channels, SortedFood, INSIDER and its affiliated channels, The Economist, and BBC Three. His music has also featured on numerous productions including the films Bad Santa, The Bee Movie and trailer for Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine and Amazon's Generation Wealth and television programmes such as The Apprentice, Panorama, Horizon, Newsnight, QI, Doctor Who, Who Do You Think You Are?, The Crown, The Restaurant, The Gadget Show, Coast, Hollyoaks, Travel Man, and Downton Abbey, and television commercials for Barclays, JVC, Pizza Hut, Rover, Renault, and Hitachi.

Ĭommissioned music credits include Bank Of Dave, Kirstie's Handmade Britain ( Channel 4), Vic Reeves' Rogues Gallery ( Discovery, BBC Three) and People Like Us ( BBC Two). Paul Mottram is a composer, arranger and orchestrator of music for film and television, and also writes production music for Audio Network.