The running head is a shortened version of your title (APA 7th, 2019, p. Click the box for Different First Page in the Options section located at the top of the screen. Professional APA: Formatting & the Running Head Each page of the document should include a running head and page number. Access the header of your document by double-clicking in the area at the top of the page.

Once in the body of your paper these are called in-text or parenthetical citations. The citation will also be in the list at the end of your paper this is called a References list. Inserting a Running Head and Page Numbers APA style requires a running head in the header of the title page. If a running head is required, type the TITLE OF PAPER in all caps in the header, top left of the page. However, your professor may choose to require one. A citation appears in two places in your essay. Related Question how to update microsoft word to apa 7th edition Does APA 7 have a header APA 7 standard for students does not require a running head. Proper documentation requires that you acknowledge sources within your paper.